Welcome to the Travis Elementary School Library!
Email: rgaylord@travisusd.org
Phone: 707-437-2070
Welcome to your Library Media Center at Travis Elementary. Our library is open during school hours from 8:00 to 2:10 Monday through Friday. The library offers a range of reading materials appropriate for elementary age students. Our Mission at the library is to enrich your child’s passion for reading and increase their interest in learning to read. This process will help your student increase comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency while building a habit of reading.
The reading journey begins for your students at the elementary level. Travis elementary wants to foster a positive attitude and a strong effort towards choosing a book. The library provides an environment of independent exploration allowing them to choose characters, and subjects they are interested in and/or curious about. This process will allow students to build their taste for books, while encouraging them to build a habit of reading.
Building a reading habit is a challenging and ongoing journey. Parents are strong role models to help facilitate this process and can help encourage your child’s success. Students are welcomed to visit the library with their class once a week for thirty minutes. Anytime students’ have access to exchange books they are finished with provided they have permission from their teacher.
Parents are always welcome to access the library and its books. Please use the links to reserve or explore in your schools’ catalog. We would like to encourage parents to download our SORA app to access books on their devices. This allows your students access to a variety of topics and selections of diverse books. This will encourage a positive attitude towards reading you and your child can experience together.
Your Library-Media Technician,
Ms. Gaylord “G”
- Library Information
- Need Help with Your Homework?
- Get Your E-Books Here
- Story Time
- Students: How to Stay Safe Online
- Library Resources
- Parent Online Resources
- Need a Library Card?
- Skills Practice
- Mitchell Memorial Travis AFB Library